Villa Badoer at Fratta Polesine
Villa Badoer at Fratta Polesine was designed in 1554 for the nobleman Francesco Badoer, as the pivot of his vast agricultural estate. It’s not a popular destination because of its
1Villa Badoer at Fratta Polesine was designed in 1554 for the nobleman Francesco Badoer, as the pivot of his vast agricultural estate. It’s not a popular destination because of its
1Villa Foscari known as “la Malcontenta” was designed by Palladio for Nicolò and Alvise Foscari in around 1555. More than a villa-farm, it is a suburban residence which takes advantage
0The Barchessa of Villa Trissino at Sarego is the agricultural section of a villa whose main block was never built and the imposing building with a porch and a dovecot
0The Villa Rotonda is the masterpiece of Palladio’s maturity, designed in 1566 for Paolo Americo, who had moved back to Vicenza after a brilliant ecclesiastical career in the Vatican. Consequently,
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